Dark souls remastered pc controls
Dark souls remastered pc controls

  • Opens the game menu – this does not pause the game (there is no way to pause the game).
  • Right - swap between the two right hand equipped Weapon, Shield or Spell Tool.
  • Left - swap between the two left hand equipped Weapon, Shield or Spell Tool.
  • dark souls remastered pc controls

    Down - cycle through equipped consumables.Up - cycle through memorized spells (Magic/Miracles/Pyromancies).Or change the camera sensitivity from outside the game so that it moves faster within it? (ex: make the key do repeated key strokes very fast)Įnd goal is to move the camera in game using the keyboard at an adequate speed.Right Stick: Controls Camera Angle D-Pad: Or at least assign the controller axis to the keyboard so that it doesn't interfere with one another?

    dark souls remastered pc controls

    So my question is: you guys know how can i assign the mouse axis to the keyboard and have them behave like axis instead of giving it a relative position? Numpad3::MouseMove, 1, 0, 100, R when you press d, mouse will move right 25 pixelsīut it doesn't act like an axis but rather it just moves the camera a little and it only works in 1 direction at a time, so you can't move up and left, you have to do up and then left.Īlso if you keep a button pressed long enough the camera stops moving (i've read somewhere it has something to do with how the game keeps resetting the mouse position because otherwise it runs out of screen space). Numpad1::MouseMove, -1, 0, 100, R when you press a, mouse will move left 25 pixels Numpad2::MouseMove, 0, 1, 100, R when you press s, mouse will move down 25 pixels Numpad5::MouseMove, 0, -1, 100, R when you press w, mouse will move up 25 pixels

    dark souls remastered pc controls

    SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0 Sets the delay of mouse speed to instant Code: Select all #IfWinActive, DARK SOULS™: REMASTERED

    Dark souls remastered pc controls